Wow, talk about a way to start my day! As per usual for my morning routine, I thought I'd check out Newgrounds for a bit. Imagine my surprise when I saw my fucking artwork on full display right at the top! LIKE HOLY SHIT I jumped out of my seat.
Thank you everyone. I fucking love Newgrounds. In my opinion, it's one of the last few remaining corners of the internet that truly values art, community and... I dunno. I don't know exactly how to say it, but this place feels... human. It's beautiful. So many incredible projects have had, and keep, having its roots in this place and its people, and it's so very inspiring to me.
Last but not least, thank you to everyone who has taken an interest to my art, be it from the Pixel Day announcement alone, from my very first post on this site, or somewhere in-between. I truly do feel welcome here, and am looking forward to sharing more of my art until I either die or my hands explode (in which case I guess I'll go on a brief hiatus to learn how to draw with my mouth, LOL).
Cheers, take care of yourselves, and love well.